Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I am working on a website to replace this old blog page.  I really find there isn't enough room here to spread out and show people my erotic world.  A blog alone is too limiting, and I need to define my unusual and unique set of kinks for those few and discriminating readers who I am sure will be delighted to find them.

In the meantime, I recently added a new story to my Smashwords author page: "The City Pony."  This story is available in the ebook anthology Where the Girls Are edited by D.L. King and published by Cleis Press, but for the first time "The City Pony" is now available as a single work for just a fraction of the price ($1.99 U.S.).

More stories will follow soon at my Smashwords site, none of which have been available anywhere except in hardcopy and ebook anthologies by major erotica publishers such as Cleis and Constable & Robinson.

And if I get a significant number of requests for a certain type of story, who knows?  That might influence what I write next.  I have a huge backlog of half finished stories, and the ones I polish off and publish may be in part determined by whatever demand is expressed by my blog readers here.

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